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In matters arising not otherwise appearing on the agenda, it was reported that the terms of reference for the Group have been updated; that communities seeking to use the brand had been informed of the wording they were to use in conjunction with use of the brand, and of the offer of assistance in developing the design of their websites when incorporating the brand. In relation to working with Visitscotland to improve the GTBS, it was reported that this is ongoing, however following on from the Conference, and as one element of ongoing work, two seminars have been organised in Dec to inform tourism businesses of the business benefits of joining the GTBS. Ann Napier and Eleanor MacIntosh expressed an interest in attending a seminar as an observer. Action: RD to investigate Communications Plan 3. Andrew Harper explained that the purpose of the Communications Plan was to clarify the relationship between the development and promotion of the Park brand and the European Charter mark, outline the key messages and target audiences so that the two brands do not cause confusion. To avoid confusion the overarching brand will be the Cairngorms brand, supported by, and supporting, the Charter mark. A proposed wording, to be used by businesses to explain and complement the Charter mark in any future marketing, was tabled at the meeting, and approved by the Group: This business (service / company / attraction)* is in the Cairngorms National Park, the first UK National park to receive the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in summer 2005. (Optional Supplementary wording The National Park Authority is committed to working with all tourism interests to ensure that tourism within the Cairngorms Park area is well-managed and sustainable, taking account of the needs of the environment, as well as local communities, local businesses and visitors. The European Charter has been awarded in recognition of this commitment.) More detail on the Charter can be found by visiting www.cairngorms.co.uk *delete as appropriate Code of Conduct Pilot Update 4. Ranald Duff, Visitscotland, tabled a draft Code of Conduct aimed at those businesses who did not have an existing Quality Assurance scheme, who wished to participate in VisitScotland’s marketing. He explained that this would be piloted in the Cairngorms over the next month, with about 20-30 businesses taking part, both by being contacted by Visitscotland business relationship managers to get feedback and through “mystery guest” visits. The feedback and results of the pilot will be compiled by the end of November with the aim being to get the Code of Conduct up and running by the end of December. The Code of Conduct is only applicable to those businesses for whom QA is not applicable. There is no cost to businesses in signing up to the Code of Conduct. Follow up visits to businesses who have signed up will be made by Visitscotland to ensure they are following the code. 5. Clarification was sought by the Group on whether a business signed up to the Code of Conduct was eligible to join the GTBS. Following the meeting this was investigated and businesses who sign up to the Code of Conduct are eligible to join the GTBS, if appropriate. Food Marketing Update 6. Will Boyd Wallis outlined his role within the Park Authority’s Land Management Group and explained that they were looking to develop a Food Marketing Strategy. This would not only address relevant Brand criteria applicable to food produced in the Park, but also look at farmers markets in the Park and linkages with local produce. 7. He explained that the proposal is for the Strategy to be developed by consultants and will address many aspects of food marketing beyond those relevant to branding. 8. Eleanor MacIntosh queried the need to use consultants for this work at this stage. She went on to explain that at the last meeting of the Food Marketing Group they had agreed standards for beef & lamb produce. It was agreed that as a first stage in developing edible produce criteria, a paper should be drafted outlining criteria for beef, lamb and venison produced in the Park, for discussion by the Brand Management Group at the next meeting. Also the Group felt that the proposal to use a consultant to develop the Food Marketing Strategy should be reviewed. Action: WBW Brand Applications Update 9. Ruathy Donald said that to date 11 businesses were using the brand in marketing their businesses, 5 tourist associations/ community groups were also using it and 1 event had used the brand. She went on to explain that the criteria for tourism businesses had been amended slightly to ensure that where there are different facets to a tourism business’ operations, the brand may only be used to market those elements of the business that are quality assured. Criteria for use 10. The requirement for a business to be based in the Park was raised. It was agreed that this should be decided on a sector by sector basis, as for some sectors, the determining factor may not be where the business is based but whether the majority of business activity is within the Park area. Golf Courses 11. Ruathy Donald explained the proposed criteria for use of the brand by Golf Courses, namely membership of the Scottish Golf Union, an annual monitoring inspection by the STRI and participation in the Scottish Golf Environment Group. The Group felt that the best way forward would be to meet with the golf clubs in the area and discuss with them the proposed quality & environmental criteria and present feedback from this meeting at the next meeting of the Group. Outdoor Activity Providers and Ski Schools 12. The proposed criteria for the outdoor activity sectors were outlined and discussed. Outdoor activity providers are discussing similar potential criteria within work being developed by the ABSC Group. It was agreed that as a meeting of these providers was imminent to decide the approach they would be taking, any decision on the criteria to be applied should be deferred until the next meeting. Merchandising Options 13. Ruathy Donald confirmed that she had checked the agreement with the Brand designers and we did have ownership of the design for any commercial opportunities. It was agreed that as this was potentially a fairly complex area of brand development and as several members had to leave due to other commitments, the discussion on the options should be deferred until the next meeting of the Group. Martin Ewan from Ledingham Chalmers should be invited to the meeting to assist with the legal complexities of licensing the Brand. AOB 14. Pete Crane explained that he had a request from Scotways to use the brand on the re-print of their Scottish Hill Tracks. The Group approved use of the brand and requested that it be reprinted on environmentally sustainable paper. Date of next meeting – Monday 28th November at 11am, CNPA offices, Grantown Ruathy Donald Tourism Marketing Officer November 2005